With PC and notebook sales on the rise, and smartphones only getting bigger and more powerful by the day, the time has come for tablets to adapt or die. For the most part, the tablet market is segmented into two distinct categories of users, namely work and play. For the latter, the threat of smartphones, and phablets in particular presents a big challenge. Conversely, the business side of things has a unique niche to play with, as enterprise-focused tablets still have the lure of productivity and mobility that users certainly crave.
Enter, the 10.1″ Mecer A105, an inconspicuous looking Windows 8.1 tablet that could have a part-time job doubling as a Surface Pro tablet, based on looks alone. After inspecting it for a good five minutes, I’d best describe it to others as a heavy black slate. That description may not seem flattering, but I feel it’s pretty apt. The A105 has very little in terms of design flourishes, with two ultra thin aluminum strips on its back cover being the only sign of embellishment. But, this look is ideally suited to business users, who perhaps don’t require the dimpled plastic of the Galaxy S Tab or pencil-thin unibody case of the iPad Air. Instead, the A105 is the embodiment of utility, giving its users all the basics needed for a rewarding tablet experience.
Read the full review by Robyn-Leigh Chetty at TechSmart